Medicine-Grade Herbs - What’s Does That Mean?

The Little China Comoany - Shiitake Soup Herbs

The Medicine-Grade Soup Mix -> The Shiitake & Lotus Nut (Nurture) Soup

You might see on all our labels and our descriptions that we mention the fact that all of the Herbs used in all of our products are Chinese Medicine-Grade, but what does that really mean?  The idea of Medicine-Grade refers to not only how the herb in grown, but also the herb quality.  A herb that is Medicine-Grade has to be organic, because if the herbs is contaminated with any chemical or toxin it is rejected.  In TCM the Chinese grade their herbs from Food-Grade (for kitchen use) to Medicine-Grade (for medical use).  Medicine-Grade Herbs have a higher and more pure content of active ingredients which makes them more effective and they can be used medicinally.  Interestingly enough, even Medicine-Grade are graded from A-D etc, and seasonal changes will affect what we are able to receive.     Read More ...


Coming from a clinical background in TCM and seeing how well these herbs work with patients, we knew we had to use the same quality in all our products.

The Little China Company - Bo He (Chinese mint)

Medicine-Grade - Bo He (Chinese mint)

Take Bo He (Chinese mint) for example. Being of a medicine-grade quality means the volatile menthol oil is more pungent and are of higher level of purity. This means that the actual active ingredients will have a greater effect on you - the cooling effect, digestive benefits and clearing the head.

The Little China Company - Bo He (Chinese mint)

Medicine-Grade - Bo He (Chinese mint)

Our great passion is to bring the great benefit of Medicine-Grade to all our products. We’ve had Chinese friends try our Chinese Soup blends and comment that they haven’t ever seen herbs of this quality used outside of medicine.  Not only have they mentioned how good the herbs look, but they feel so much better after eating the soups too.

We hope that helps explain Medicine-Grade Herbs a little clearer now!

Peter & Hannah